Sign up
Choose one of the following 5 options for sign up:
Independent entity that agrees to furnish certain number or quantity of goods, material, equipment, and/or personnel to perform services that meet or exceed stated requirements or specifications, at a mutually agreed upon price and within a specified timeframe. Small Contractors do not perform work on PPGPL's Plant site unless they are strictly supervised by a PPGPL employee, adhere to PPGPL safety policies, rules and / or regulations and are performing low risk work in low risk areas of the facility e.g. Plumbing, installing locks etc.
Small Contractor
Independent entity that agrees to furnish certain number or quantity of goods, material, equipment, and/or personnel to perform services that meet or exceed stated requirements or specifications, at a mutually agreed upon price and within a specified timeframe on PPGPL's Plant site. e.g. scaffolding providers, labourers, plant maintenance, bolt torquing, painting etc.
Experienced professional who provides expert knowledge for a fee. He or she works in an advisory capacity only. Consultant(s) do not perform work on PPGPL's Plant site except in the performance of site visits or onsite programming work. Any consultant entering PPGPL's plant site for any reason whatsoever must be strictly supervised by a PPGPL employee and must adhere to PPGPL safety policies, rules and / or regulations.
Small Vendor
Vendors supplying non-critical, non-plant goods
- (file download) - PAYLINK for TT Payments
- (file download) - CITIBANKING for US Payments